samedi 23 mars 2013

Vegetable swop!

A surplus of tomatoes, too much mint, eggs up to your ears?  You need the new site, established in November last year,  Troc Légumes was started because the founder moved to live in à flat.  Hé had been used to eating fresh vegetables from the garden and he missed them.

On the site one can find individual producers who have a surplus of produce or plants and who would like to either swop or sell them at a really low price.  For example I searched in the Paris area and found someone who was willing to swop work in the garden or building work in exchange for vegetables or eggs.  Also organic eggs for sale at  20 centimes per egg.

Not only is this kind of trade economical and great for the environment (less purchases in the supermarket, less packaging) but à great way to meet other like-minded people.

Get clicking!

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